Q: How long will it take to get my ECU converted
to ProECU-K?
A: We need usually 1-2 business days to convert the ECU to ProECU-K.
Not included is the shipping time which
depends on your location and the used
carrier and shipping method.
Q: I have a ECU witch is already modified with a Ho***ta (or
other piggy pack tuning system), can this be used
for ProECU-K, too?
A: Yes, we can upgrade already modified ECU's to ProECU-K,
Q: What means "Budget Version" of ProECU-K?
A: The Budget Version of ProECU-K is a full featured, fully
working PRA or PRB ECU just in a type "C" ECU case
(see picture). The ECU will not be
shipped in the black box, because it just does not fit inside.
The "C" type ECU and no
box makes the ECU kit cheaper.
Q: What is the difference between the PRA and PRB ECUs?
A: The difference between the PRA and PRB ECU is mainly the
primary O2 sensor input.
The PRA ECU uses a narrowband O2 sensor,
the PRB a semi wideband sensor.
The ECU hardware is different between
the two ECUs, you can determine which primary O2 sensor it
uses by
looking a the ECU's board.
If the ECU has this black box
(in the red circle) it is for use with the semi wideband,
if this place is empty it is
for narrowband o2 sensor.

Q: I just installed the ECU but the Water temperature on the
Gauge cluster and the Air Condition does not work!?
A: The Multiplexer needs to be enabled. You can find it under
Q: How it install a external Wideband to ProECU-K?
A: We have a write up here for download. 
Q: I opened the ECU and found a wire not connected?
A: That's ok. The blue wire is only needed for the recovery
flash. See more about this topic here. [LINK]
Q: How to make the air condition working in a swapped car?
A: With the installation of ProECU-K we enabled the AC request
input on pin E28.
Connect the AC request signal of the
car (switching to ground) to the pin E28.
In the software you just have to take
care that the input E28 isn't used for any
other function and the multiplexer
is disabled.
The AC clutch relay has to be connected
to pin E18.
Q: I cannot communicate with the ECU?
Q: I cannot upload a calibration to the ECU?
Q: I'm getting a Error Code 4/1x when uploading to the ECU!?
A: The ECU shares internal the signals for communication between
the OBD2 port and the USB connection.
One can disturb the other.
Make sure that nothing is connected
to the OBD2 port, like a code scanner, ELM327, dyno, etc.
If this does not help, you can try
to disconnect the K-Line (the communication line) from the
ECU by unpinning
(or cutting) the wire E23.
Other control units which shares the
K-Line can disturb the communication, too.
This often happens in swapped cars
and S2000's.